Emma Watsons lace booty shorts & Bieber hair: awful or cute?

Publish date: 2024-06-17


Emma Watson was still in Paris yesterday, filming those Lancome advertisements that just couldn’t wait until Spring Break. Previously, we’d seen her in unfortunate shoes, a frilly pink dress and a leather jacket, topped off with her hair slicked back. Her outfit for this outing is even worse – lace booty shorts, a blazer and a thin tie, with her hair no longer slicked back. And… now we can see that her awkward haircut is the same as Justin Bieber’s awkward haircut. Both hairstyles (the same hairstyle) are pretty bad, and unflattering to their faces.


If possible, these new shots of Emma have made me even more “meh” towards her appointment at the newest face of Lancome. I guess the famed beauty behemoth is aiming for “accessibility” at this point, and yes, I’m saying that in a completely bitchy way. That’s what Emma is – accessible. She’s not intimidating. She’s not inspirational or aspirational. She’s an average-looking girl, styled badly and chosen for this gig to bring in very young female consumers who would normally be buying Wet N’ Wild. This makes me really sad.

Those lace booty shorts are just awful too.



Photos courtesy of Fame.
